This is about three amazing use cases sharing a common characteristic. They were born from a creative idea that appeared a few years ago.

VR Tool for Geospatial Professionals

Geospatial AR App for Every(wo)man

Core Contribution to the Metaverse

(or whatever we may be calling it)

The common characteristic cannot be disclosed yet at this point, but it is about a practicable way of doing certain things a little differently. This way turned out to be suitable to trigger societally valuable effects, at a global scale – breathing life into a specific perception that is much needed, which is really exciting!

The VR tool facilitates astounding, unthought-of conditions in the field of global Earth observation. It is capable of feeding both brain hemispheres. It doesn´t alter the focus from analytic to intuitive, however. Both ways of seeing are enhanced considerably.

Einstein once said “My concept about relativity had to do with my feelings rather than my intellect. I felt that the universe is never static; but I sensed, as the Greeks did, that ´All flows´. I think with intuition.” (William Hermanns, “Einstein and the Poet – In Search of the Cosmic Man”, Wellesley, Branden Books, 1983, at the end of the chapter The Second Conversation, no page numbers in this book). 

The AR app can provide a fascinating new way to experience the overview effect – more accessible than watching the night sky, (almost) as impactful as staying in space. Its effort-result ratio might be superior to any of the existing ways.

The core contribution would give the Metaverse a fundamentally beneficial quality not reckoned with right now.

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